This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts

This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts
This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts

What criteria come into play when a buyer has to choose one product over another? Why do certain businesses have millions of fans while others are despised by most people? What distinguishes successful companies from those that are complete failures?

Now, these are fascinating questions that every upcoming entrepreneur—like you—must figure out, and you can bet that the responses you’ll discover won’t be credited to chance but rather to the brand and its positioning.

95% of consumers are unconsciously influenced by a well-positioned brand, and they end up choosing that brand’s goods over any other one. Regardless of your industry or niche, successfully defining your brand’s position will provide you with a significant edge in our current overcrowded market.

And to help you identify which position would be best for your brand, we conducted this thorough brand positioning research and decoded the mysteries to an effective brand position.

What Exactly is Brand Positioning?

Many business owners are ignorant of the significant role brand positioning plays in the market and why their organization needs to carve out a distinct position in the crowded market of today.

Brand positioning, put simply, is the place your brand has in the minds of your target audience. It is how customers respond to and interact with your services, as well as how your brand stands out from rivals. Brand positioning is an essential part of every branding strategy.

The problem with brand positioning is that it happens whether or not you want it to. It doesn’t matter what you want for your business; your target customer immediately classifies every business they come into contact with based on factors like price, tone, marketing, packaging, store design, domain name, and website.

“Automatic positioning” occurs when a company doesn’t consciously brand itself or when its products or services aren’t good enough that customers instantly write it off in their minds.

Every company must purposefully create a strong brand identity to prevent being automatically positioned in the eyes of its customers.

Why Positioning Your Brand is Crucial

Numerous companies, like Juicero and Essential Items, made the error of creating products that didn’t cater to their intended demographic. In the end, this quickly led to their failure.

Just like in the early days of Netflix, Amazon, and Tesla, new startups must attempt to provide outstanding goods that address a particularly frustrating problem if they want to stand out in their sector.

Positioning is the best way to express your brand’s distinctiveness, values, and integrity. But to accomplish this goal successfully, you must first identify your target market and learn what brand positions they’re attracted to. And that’s where our survey comes in.

Here’s Why This Survey’s Needed

Here’s Why This Survey’s Needed

Our goal was to identify the brands that consumers preferred and how their preferences changed depending on their demographics.

And regardless of whether you manage a small, medium, or large organization, or you’re considering naming or buying premium domains, this knowledge will assist you in making swift branding decisions and selecting a position that is appropriate for your brand.

To meet our survey goals, we had to ask customers in America, “Would you rather support a modern and innovative firm or a traditional and respected organization?”

What Led Us to Ask This Vital Question?

Recognize that choosing your company’s tone is one of the most crucial and critical choices you’ll have to make while developing or rebuilding your brand. This choice is crucial because it helps company owners, product managers, and brand managers shape the direction of their companies.

Think of how the market would be now if:

  • Steve Jobs had named his business Executex rather than Apple.
  • Blue Ribbon Sports had not been rebranded to Nike.
  • Ayds diet candy had taken a different name.
  • Jeff Bezos still left his business as Cadabra.
  • Shoestore hadn’t been renamed to Zappos.
  • Hydrox had chosen a sweeter name.

Recognize that the tone of your brand affects the overall personality of your business and the emotions that people associate with it. It’s extremely vital that you consider your tone while naming your business.

Here’s What We Learned From Our Survey

Although the survey’s results were somewhat predictable, they were nevertheless rather eye-opening.

Here’s our discovery from the 301 participants:

  • Young adults (25–34) have a strong preference for startups and cutting-edge companies. More than half of the poll participants in this category preferred fresh, cutting-edge brands to tried-and-true ones.
    This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts
    Courtesy: Squadhelp
  • People aged 35 to 45 favored fresh and inventive companies over historically significant and well-respected ones. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that the group was evenly split between the two options.
    This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts
    Courtesy: Squadhelp
  • Age groups 45–54 and 55–65 showed more interest in well-known businesses with a long history of reliability.
    This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts
    Courtesy: Squadhelp
  • Ages 55 to 65 were particularly drawn to renowned and reputable businesses.
    This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts
    Courtesy: Squadhelp
  • According to the poll, men showed little to no preference for either a contemporary or traditional brand.
    This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts
    Courtesy: Squadhelp
  • According to the report, women prefer traditional and well-known brands to cutting-edge and trendy ones.
    This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts
    Courtesy: Squadhelp
  • Overall, 153 out of 301 respondents selected trusted, established companies, while 148 picked contemporary, cutting-edge brands. The result blatantly shows that both perspectives are valid, but it all depends on which audience you’re trying to appeal to.
    This Research on Brand Position Will Show You How to Secure the Best Spot in Your Customer’s Hearts
    Courtesy: Squadhelp

What It All Means Is This

The survey’s findings make it abundantly evident that the majority of young people are drawn to cutting-edge and innovative firms. Therefore, if you’re marketing to a younger audience, consider positioning your business by getting a short, creative, modern brand name.

But if you’re trying to appeal to an older demographic, such as Baby Boomers and older Gen Xers, you’ll need to take the conventional path and give your business a classic name because individuals in the 45 to 65 age range have a strong love for historical and trustworthy businesses.

Grant Polachek is the head of branding for, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed more than 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today.

We are also the world’s leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients from early-stage startups to Fortune 500 companies.

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