Meet Dr. Verna Caddie, Founder of Devine Creations will receive The Aspire Award

Dr. Verna Caddie
Meet Dr. Verna Caddie, Founder of Devine Creations will receive The Aspire Award

Dr. Verna Caddie is the founder of Casting Your Cares, Inc, Devine Creations, Devine Prom Project, and many other empowering programs for young ladies, mothers, and sons.

Ms. Caddie is a Certified Etiquette Professional, Girl’s Life Coach, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Evangelist, and Author of several etiquette books for teens and adults. She is also the mother of two handsome sons and one beautiful daughter.

Ms. Caddie was a judge in 2010 and 2011 in “Nationals Pageant”. She has over 20 years of experience which began while working at Barbizon School of Modeling as an Instructor, Sears Models Club as an Instructor, In Fashion Models as the Director for Wedding Shows in the Houston area, several print works, and has numerous TV appearances speaking about the works with Devine Creations and Devine Prom Project.

Along with numerous Proclamations from federal and state legislators, Ms. Caddie was also a contestant in The Miss. Texas Pageant in Houston, Texas.

In 2009, Verna created “The Etiquette Professionals Network”, which helps women and men become certified as etiquette professionals, wedding etiquette instructors, tea consultants, girls mentoring coaches, boys mentoring coaches, and image-certified consultants. Ms. Caddie is the author of several etiquette books.

In 2013 Ms. Caddie received a certificate from State Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee for her program Devine Creations, along with being featured in a docu-series for helping young children become polished.

On March 29, 2014, Verna received a Proclamation from Houston’s Mayor Annise Parker for providing free prom gowns to young ladies who are not able to purchase prom gowns and offering workshops in prom etiquette, prom safety, and beauty.

Ms. Caddie developed and refined “Devine Creations” in 2006. Devine Creations is a nonprofit organization that has worked with over 100 young women in greater Houston and surrounding areas.

Our mission is to empower young women through etiquette while helping to create beauty inside and out. Devine Creations is an 8-month program and every young lady must attend workshops in order to be presented to society.

The program provides mentoring and education to help young women succeed. Partnering with ministries and community organizations.

Devine Creations is a safe place where girls can meet other girls and come together as a sisterhood, creating self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as strengthening skills that will lead to better life choices and opportunities. Ms. Caddie recently was featured in Birnam / Murray Production Company Sizzle Reel.

Could you please tell our readers a brief background about yourself and how you started your business?

As an expert etiquette coach, My desire is to help young girls to be the best that they can be in life. Teaching etiquette allows young ladies to become more confident and that is why I love what I do.

Where did the idea for Devine Creations come from?

I prayed about what I wanted and God gave me the name “Devine Creations” Devine means “relating to, directly from God”

How did you get started in your industry?

I wanted to help others, so volunteering my services is why I got started. I saw that there was a need in my community to help the young ladies, so instead of sitting on the sideline and watching, I decided that I wanted to be the change that I wanted to see.

Why do you think that PR is the tool you need to implement in your business and how it helps to grow your business?

It will help you to become credible. You will also be known as an expert in your field.

What are you currently doing to maintain/grow your business?

I continue to help young girls learn social skills.

What are the three biggest challenges you have faced growing the business and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge I have faced is genuine support.

As an entrepreneur, what is it that motivates and drives you?

What drives me is I always remember why, Why I get started.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your career?

The piece of advice I wish someone would have given me is that it will not be easy, but don’t give up, always remember why you started.

What excites you most about your industry?

Where do you see it heading in the near future? I have a calling on my life and that is to help young ladies understand who they are. I see myself in the near future continuing to help young ladies around the world.

If you could go back in a time machine to the time when you were just getting started, what would you do differently?

I would still want to do the same thing that I am doing now.

What’s your daily routine?

How do you achieve work-life balance? I pray that is my routine, for every day.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

I see myself continuing to change lives through Etiquette.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Believe in yourself, no matter what.

What advice would you give to a newbie Entrepreneur setting up their first business? Remember your why?

Always remember why you started. Helping others will never go out of style.

What has been your greatest achievement so far?

Changing the lives of others.

What is your brand’s philosophy?

My philosophy in life is to put God first and you will never be last.

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