How Does Location-Based Mobile Marketing Work? Insights from Top Experts

Location-Based Mobile Marketing
How Does Location-Based Mobile Marketing Work? Insights from Top Experts

Location-based marketing is a type of mobile advertising that uses the location of a consumer’s device to deliver targeted ads.

This form of marketing is becoming increasingly popular, as businesses can reach consumers when they are in their store or establishment. This blog post will discuss the benefits of location-based marketing and discover some insights from top experts in the industry.

What is Location-Based Marketing and How Does it Work?

Location-based marketing (LBM) is a type of marketing that uses location data to target mobile users with relevant ads and offers. For example, LBM can target customers with special offers when they are near a store or deliver targeted ads based on their current location.

LBM technology has been around for a few years, but marketers have only recently started to understand its potential fully. In the past, LBM was often used in a very basic way, such as sending out generic offers to all users in a particular area.

However, today’s LBM platforms offer much more sophisticated targeting options, making it possible to deliver highly personalized messages that are more likely to result in a conversion.

Three Factors Drive the Growth of LBM

Several different factors are driving the growth of LBM, including the increasing use of mobile devices, the rise of Location-Based Services (LBS), and the growing availability of data.

The increasing use of mobile devices:

Consumers are increasingly using their mobile devices to access the internet, with over 60% of internet traffic now coming from mobile devices. This trend will only continue, making it essential for businesses to reach consumers on their mobile devices. This is why SEO, online advertising, and social media opportunities for local businesses are becoming more and more popular nowadays.

The rise of Location-Based Services:

LBS is becoming more popular, with over half of all smartphones now being equipped with GPS. This means that businesses can target consumers based on their current location, a powerful tool for driving conversions.

The growing availability of data:

With the advent of big data, businesses have access to more data than ever before. This data can be used to understand consumer behavior better and target them with relevant offers and messages.

The Amazing ROI of Mobile Ads by Location

What makes location-based marketing so powerful is its ability to target ads very precisely. For example, let’s say you own a coffee shop. You can use mobile advertising to target people near your store and promote your latest offer.

What’s even more impressive is that you can track the results of your ad campaigns by location. This means that you can see how many people came into your store as a result of seeing your ad.

Location-based marketing is still in its early days, but the potential for ROI is enormous. As more and more businesses start to use this type of marketing, we expect to see even more impressive results.

The Future of LBM and its Effect on the Digital Advertising Industry

The digital advertising industry is on the cusp of a major revolution, and location-based marketing (LBM) is at the forefront. LBM has already begun to change the way businesses reach and engage with consumers, and the potential for further disruption is considerable.

What do we expect to see from LBM in the coming years? Here are some insights from top experts in the field:

“LBM will become increasingly important for businesses as consumers become more comfortable with sharing their location data. We’re already seeing this happen with the proliferation of beacon technology, and we expect to see even more innovation in this area in the coming years.”
– Brian Handley, CEO of xAd

“LBM provides a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with consumers in a very personal way. As a result, we expect to see more brands using LBM to create loyalty programs and targeted offers that will drive customer engagement and retention.”
– Sarah Kim, VP of Marketing at Local Pulse

“The future of LBM is mobile. With the majority of consumers now carrying smartphones, businesses have the ability to target ads and offers very specifically to consumers based on their location. As a result, we expect to see more businesses using mobile LBM to drive in-store traffic and sales.”
– Johnathan Hsu, CEO of Thinknear

“LBM is a powerful tool that can be used by businesses of all sizes to reach their target audiences. We expect to see more small businesses using LBM to connect with local customers and drive foot traffic.”
– Jennifer Wise, VP of Marketing at PlaceIQ

“The future of LBM is bright. We believe that it will continue to revolutionize the mobile advertising industry and help businesses better connect with their customers.”
– The Local Ad Network

Next Steps for Brands to Consider LBM in their Strategy

With the rapid growth in popularity of location-based marketing, it’s more important than ever for brands to consider how they can use this technology to their advantage. Here are a few next steps that brands should take to make the most out of LBM:


Brands need to understand the different types of available location data and how they can be used. There are three main types of location data:

  • -Static data, which is typically collected from GPS devices or Wi-Fi networks and is used to identify a specific location;
  • -Dynamic data, which is collected from mobile devices and is used to track movement and behavior patterns;
  • -Historical data is collected from past interactions and is used to predict future behavior.

Brands need to identify the goals they want to achieve with LBM. Common goals include increasing foot traffic, driving sales, and improving customer loyalty.


Brands need to select the right location-based marketing platform. There are a variety of platforms available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Brands should choose a platform that meets their specific needs and goals.


Brands need to create compelling content that will resonate with their target audience. Content should be relevant, engaging, and valuable if it is going to drive results.


To conclude, it’s evident that location-based marketing is having a profound impact on the mobile advertising industry. It’s helping them to create more personalized and relevant ad campaigns that are ultimately driving better results by providing marketers with more accurate data and insights,

As technology evolves, we can only expect these trends to continue. So if you’re not already using location-based marketing in your mobile advertising campaigns, now is the time to start.

This is a Contributor Post. Opinions expressed here are opinions of the Contributor. Grindsuccess does not endorse or review brands mentioned; does not and cannot investigate relationships with brands, products, images used and people mentioned, and is up to the Contributor to disclose.

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