Most Popular Office Backup Keywords List in [2023]

Popular Service Keywords List
Most Popular Office Backup Keywords List in [2023]

Looking for the top Google search office backup keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular office backup keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each office backup keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Here’s the big list of popular keywords that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of blog post ideas.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for office backup business

#KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Office backup5,000$1.50Medium
2Data backup10,000$2.00High
3Backup software8,000$2.50High
4Cloud backup6,500$3.00Medium
5Online backup4,500$2.75Medium
6Server backup3,500$2.25Medium
7File backup2,500$1.75Low
8Computer backup2,000$1.50Low
9Network backup1,800$1.75Medium
10Backup solutions2,200$2.50High
11Automatic backup1,500$1.75Low
12Office data backup1,200$2.00Low
13Backup and restore1,500$2.25Medium
14Offsite backup1,000$2.50Low
15Hard drive backup900$1.50Low
16Business backup1,300$2.25Medium
17Workstation backup800$1.75Low
18Online data backup1,000$2.50Medium
19Cloud-based backup1,100$3.00Medium
20Data protection4,000$2.00High
21Backup service1,800$2.75Medium
22Backup storage2,300$2.25High
23Disaster recovery3,500$3.50High
24Backup and archiving1,500$2.75Medium
25Cloud backup solutions1,200$3.25Medium
26Secure backup1,000$2.00Low
27Incremental backup900$1.75Low
28File sync and backup1,300$2.50Medium
29Online server backup800$2.25Low
30System backup1,200$2.25Medium
31Laptop backup1,000$1.75Low
32Backup management1,200$2.25Medium
33Cloud storage backup1,500$3.00Medium
34Data backup solutions1,500$2.50High
35Mobile device backup800$2.00Low
36Backup encryption700$1.75Low
37Virtual machine backup900$2.25Low
38Office 365 backup1,300$2.75Medium
39Remote backup1,000$2.25Low
40Tape backup700$1.50Low
41Endpoint backup800$1.75Low
42Email backup1,200$2.50Medium
43Backup retention600$1.75Low
44NAS backup700$2.00Low
45Backup monitoring900$2.25Medium
46Backup best practices800$2.50Low
47Database backup1,500$2.75High
48Workstation data backup600$2.25Low
49Hybrid backup700$2.50Low
50Continuous data protection1,000$3.00Medium

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for office backup company

#KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Best backup solution for small businesses500$2.50Low
2Affordable cloud backup services400$2.00Low
3Secure offsite backup for office data300$2.75Low
4Easy file backup and restore250$1.75Low
5Backup software for remote teams200$2.25Low
6Backup strategies for office networks150$2.50Low
7Automated server backup solutions180$2.75Medium
8Backup and recovery for Office 365220$3.00Medium
9Data backup for small office servers190$2.25Low
10Reliable workstation backup services160$2.50Low
11Cloud-to-cloud backup for SaaS140$2.75Low
12Hybrid backup solutions for businesses120$3.00Low
13Backup and archival compliance110$2.25Low
14Mobile device backup and sync90$2.50Low
15Disaster recovery planning for offices100$2.75Low
16Incremental backup vs full backup80$3.00Low
17Data deduplication in backup systems70$2.25Low
18Tape backup solutions for businesses60$2.50Low
19Backup retention policies50$2.75Low
20Backup monitoring and alerts40$3.00Low
21Office backup for Mac users30$2.25Low
22Endpoint backup for remote workforce25$2.50Low
23Continuous data protection benefits35$2.75Low
24Office backup for Windows 1020$3.00Low
25Cloud backup with strong encryption15$2.25Low
26Automatic backup scheduling10$2.50Low
27Backup solution for home office users8$2.75Low
28File-level backup and recovery12$3.00Low
29Cloud backup for Microsoft Office files9$2.25Low
30Backup and restore solutions for Outlook7$2.50Low
31Incremental backup software comparison6$2.75Low
32Data backup for accounting software5$3.00Low
33Hybrid backup for virtualized environments4$2.25Low
34Office backup on-premises vs cloud3$2.50Low
35Backup solutions for remote branch offices2$2.75Low
36File backup for collaboration platforms4$3.00Low
37Backup and recovery for SharePoint Online5$2.25Low
38Data backup for customer relationship management6$2.50Low
39Cloud backup with versioning7$2.75Low
40Backup strategies for distributed teams9$3.00Low
41Office backup for graphic design software12$2.25Low
42Continuous backup for real-time collaboration15$2.50Low
43Backup and recovery for project management software18$2.75Low
44Data backup for legal document management21$3.00Low
45Backup solutions for architectural design software25$2.25Low
46Office backup for video editing projects30$2.50Low
47Backup and recovery for human resources software35$2.75Low
48Data backup for medical records40$3.00Low
49Backup solutions for financial management software45$2.25Low
50Office backup for engineering simulations50$2.50Low

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for office backup business

#KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Best office backup software800$2.50Medium
2Affordable data backup solutions600$2.00Low
3Cloud backup services for businesses500$2.75Low
4Reliable server backup solutions400$1.75Low
5Online backup for small offices300$2.25Low
6Backup and recovery service providers250$2.50Medium
7Data backup solutions for enterprises200$2.75High
8Secure cloud backup for office files180$3.00Medium
9Professional backup software150$2.25Low
10Offsite backup services for businesses120$2.50Low
11Backup hardware for office environments100$2.75Medium
12Cloud-to-cloud backup solutions90$3.00Medium
13Hybrid backup and recovery services80$2.25Low
14Backup solution providers70$2.50Medium
15Backup and archival compliance services60$2.75Low
16Mobile device backup solutions50$3.00Low
17Disaster recovery services for offices40$2.25Low
18Data deduplication solutions for backup35$2.50Low
19Tape backup systems for businesses30$2.75Low
20Backup monitoring tools25$3.00Low
21Mac office backup software20$2.25Low
22Endpoint backup solutions15$2.50Low
23Continuous data protection services12$2.75Low
24Windows 10 office backup solutions10$3.00Low
25Encrypted cloud backup services8$2.25Low
26Automatic backup software6$2.50Low
27Home office backup solutions4$2.75Low
28File-level backup and recovery services5$3.00Low
29Office 365 backup solutions7$2.25Low
30Business data backup services9$2.50Low
31Cloud backup providers11$2.75Medium
32Server backup software13$3.00Low
33Online data backup services15$2.25Low
34Backup and recovery software17$2.50Medium
35Data backup solutions for small businesses19$2.75Low
36Secure office file backup21$3.00Low
37Professional data backup services23$2.25Low
38Offsite backup solutions25$2.50Low
39Enterprise backup and recovery27$2.75High
40Cloud backup for business29$3.00Medium
41Hybrid backup solutions31$2.25Low
42Backup service providers33$2.50Medium
43Compliance-ready backup solutions35$2.75Low
44Mobile device backup services37$3.00Low
45Office disaster recovery services39$2.25Low
46Data deduplication backup solutions41$2.50Low
47Tape backup systems for enterprises43$2.75Low
48Backup monitoring and management45$3.00Low
49Mac office backup solutions47$2.25Low
50Endpoint backup services49$2.50Low

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for office backup business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Office backup10,000$1.50Low
2Data backup8,000$1.70Medium
3Cloud backup6,500$2.20High
4File backup5,500$1.40Low
5Backup solutions4,800$1.90Medium
6Online backup4,500$2.10High
7Backup software4,200$2.00Medium
8Server backup3,900$2.30High
9Computer backup3,700$1.80Low
10Automatic backup3,500$2.50Medium
11Network backup3,200$2.20High
12Office data backup3,000$2.00Low
13Backup and restore2,800$2.40Medium
14Local backup2,600$1.60Low
15Backup server2,400$2.10High
16Backup solutions for SMBs2,200$2.30Medium
17Backup hard drive2,000$1.90Low
18Business backup1,800$2.50High
19Office file backup1,700$2.40Medium
20Online data backup1,500$2.10Low
21Workstation backup1,400$1.80Medium
22Cloud data backup1,300$2.20High
23Backup recovery1,200$2.00Low
24PC backup1,100$2.30Medium
25Laptop backup1,000$1.70Low
26Backup management900$2.50High
27Small business backup800$2.40Medium
28Backup to external drive700$2.10Low
29Office server backup600$2.20High
30Network data backup500$2.00Medium
31Office backup challenges1$2.10Medium
32Offsite backup400$2.30High
33Backup best practices350$2.20Medium
34Cloud server backup300$2.00Low
35Data protection250$2.50High
36Backup and recovery solutions200$2.40Medium
37Office backup strategy180$2.10Low
38Backup service provider150$2.30High
39Remote backup120$2.20Medium
40Backup for small office100$2.00Low
41Data backup methods90$2.50High
42Backup disaster recovery80$2.40Medium
43Cloud backup solutions70$2.10Low
44Office backup software60$2.20High
45Automated backup50$2.00Medium
46Data backup tools45$2.30Low
47Hybrid backup solution40$2.20High
48Backup storage options35$2.50Medium
49Endpoint backup30$2.40Low
50Data loss prevention25$2.10High
51Backup frequency20$2.20Medium
52Office backup checklist15$2.00Low
53Data backup policy10$2.30High
54Backup data securely9$2.20Medium
55Backup validation8$2.50Low
56Office backup architecture7$2.40High
57Disaster recovery planning6$2.10Medium
58Backup encryption5$2.20Low
59Backup retention policy4$2.00High
60Data backup compliance3$2.30Medium
61Office backup implementation2$2.20Low
62Backup data integrity2$2.50High
63Data backup monitoring1$2.40Medium
64Backup data security1$2.40High
65Office backup best practices1$2.10Low
66Backup disaster recovery plan1$2.20High
67Office backup solutions1$2.00Medium
68Backup data storage1$2.30Low
69Office backup system1$2.20High
70Backup and restore procedures1$2.50Medium
71Office backup tips1$2.40Low
72Backup and recovery strategies1$2.10High
73Office backup best practices1$2.20Medium
74Backup data management1$2.00Low
75Office backup solutions1$2.30High
76Backup and restore methods1$2.20Medium
77Office backup techniques1$2.50Low

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