Exclusive Interview With Jason Humble, Founder & Chairman Of Humble Capital Group

Jason Humble
Exclusive Interview With Jason Humble, Founder & Chairman Of Humble Capital Group

Jason Humble is the Founder and Chairman of Humble Capital Group, where he consults on raising capital for early-stage start-up (Pre-IPO) Intellectual Properties ranging from companies with proprietary technology to trading Global Commodities, Instruments, and Assets.

In addition to his expertise in Commodities and Consulting, Mr. Humble helps his clients in understanding and properly navigate risk management. Additionally, he expertly guides his clients to better capitalize on current and new opportunities across varying major markets and helps to provide them with better access to many global platforms.

Over Mr. Humble’s numerous consulting projects, he has helped in raising over $500-Million Dollars in different sectors & industries, due to his extensive experience and industry insight. His vast professional and executive network allow him to cross-pollinate with numerous financiers across the globe.

Mr. Humble gained extensive experience in Sales, Public Relations, and Marketing for numerous Fortune 500 Companies (consistently receiving honors as a top performer and MVP) as both a C-Suite Executive and Independent Consultant.

Mr. Humble has quickly risen to become one of his industry’s premier consultants and thought leaders and takes great pride in being a revenue generator, talent developer, problem solver, and cultivator of winning atmospheres for his clientele.

Mr. Humble also serves on the board of Precious Dreams Foundation, which supports the well-being of foster and homeless children, by using a special technique focused on using bedtime necessities and positive reinforcement to empower children to recognize and focus on their dreams.

Could you please tell our readers a brief background about yourself and how you started your business?

My background is in consulting and raising business capital, specifically focusing on Pre-IPO tech companies with proprietary technology.

I’ve been in this vertical now for 15 years. I started with a close friend, by helping his company Global Resource Broker in generating massive leads, which helped me to build some truly incredible relationships. From there I started my own company, Humble Capital Group.

Where did the idea for Humble Capital Group come from?

The idea came after working with my other partner for about 2 years. I realized that it was time for me to start leveraging and monetizing my business relationships, in a more efficient way.

How did you get started in your industry?

Prior to working as an independent consultant, I worked for the NY Knicks in their PR Department. I was also an executive in the medical industry.

However, the Technology and Consulting sectors were always my true passion, and due to the relationships I had built with high-net-worth professionals and executives over my career, I was able to provide a unique offering to companies looking for growth opportunities in these sectors.

Why do you think Public Relations is an important tool to implement in your business and the businesses of your clients?

Public Relations is an extremely important tool that every business and professional should implement. Working in PR for over seven years, I uniquely understand the power of PR in both risk mitigation, and also as being an incredibly powerful tool for accelerated growth.

What are you currently doing to maintain/grow your business?

My primary strategy has always been to build solid relationships with my clients based on value, trust, respect, and quantifiable results. My business is heavily based on personal referrals, so when you prove yourself to be a valuable asset to a client and earn their trust, they become your best salespeople.

What are the three biggest challenges you have faced growing the business, and how did you overcome them?

Three of the biggest challenges I would say were cold calling (when I first started out), the pandemic obviously, and learning to better communicate highly complicated strategies to my clients.

I overcame each of those challenges in different ways, but if I had to pick the hardest one, it would definitely be the cold calling.

First and foremost, you have to be both consistent and resilient, if you plan on using cold calling as a growth strategy. It’s a numbers game for sure, but you also have to be strategic in how you approach it.

Focus on building the personal connection and relationship first, then you can lead into the sale, and the prospect will actually be open to it.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first three sharpening my axe.”

Most people will spend too much time cold calling, but no time sharpening their skill set over the phone. I’m always improving, but it wasn’t until I “sharpened my axe” that I started getting real results.

As an entrepreneur, what is it that motivates and drives you?

As an entrepreneur, my “why” has changed over the years. If your “why” isn’t strong enough to make you cry, you’ll never be successful. I’m extremely self-motivated, and continuously force myself to move forward, learn, and become the best at what I do.

Today, I’m married to a beautiful woman named Teresa, I have a 16-month-old, and a new baby on the way. Everything I do is to secure their future, make sure that I have the time-freedom to be with them as much as possible, and make sure they have a better childhood than I did.

What makes your consulting firm different or better than your competitors?

I wouldn’t necessarily say that my consulting firm is “better” than anyone else’s.

However, what my clients have come to rely on from working with me, is my focus on providing outstanding value, and mitigating their risks, in the most strategic and professional way.

I care about my client’s families, I care about their “why’s”, and I care tremendously about their success.

My unique value proposition is that I cannot have success unless I bring my clients success. I choose my business to not get paid until I help my clients get paid.

What is the toughest business decision you had to make in the last 12-months?

The toughest business decision over the last 12-months was definitely traveling less, due to the pandemic. It was very important to me that I keep my family safe, so unfortunately traveling was one of the first things I had to cut down on.

What financial mistakes have you made along your entrepreneurial journey that others, like startups interested in working with you, can learn from?

Well, being young and moving in the high-level circles I was in, it was easy to get sidetracked by the glitz and the glam. So, I ended up spending way too much money very early on in my career and did not invest as much as I should have.

That taught me a hugely important lesson though, which I hope every young professional can learn from, which is that one should always prioritize taking a large portion of any profits earned and re-investing it.

Focus on building a solid financial foundation first.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your career?

I wish I had a spiritual mentor early on in my career. Someone to remind me how important it is to keep God first in my business. Today that is the most important piece to my puzzle.

What excites you most about your industry, and where do you see it heading in the near future?

What excites me most about my industry, is that there are always new and exciting technologies on the horizon, and always great commodities to work with.

It’s truly recession-proof. I see more and more opportunities every day, and the younger generation is getting more excited about investing in the opportunities the very near future has to offer.

If you could go back in time to when you were just getting started, what would you do differently?

If I can go back in time, I would invest more money into a well-diversified portfolio, and also invest more into my own education when it comes to wealth building and management.

Making money is easy. However, keeping that money, and making it work for you, is another thing entirely. So, invest in your education, and invest in your financial future!

What is the one book that you would recommend to our readers to help in their entrepreneurial journey, and why?

One of my all-time favorite books is “How To Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. Again, this comes down to investing in your education. Trust me, the return on your investment from reading this book will pay itself back in spades.

What advice would you give to a newbie Entrepreneur setting up their first business?

The best advice I could give would be to pick something you would do even if you weren’t getting paid for it.

Then stay consistent on that one thing until you achieve success. No detours. Just be consistent no matter what.

There will be tough times along your entrepreneurial journey, but that will just make the story of your success that much more impactful.

What has been your greatest achievement so far?

My greatest achievement is waking up every morning and seeing the smiles on my wife and daughter’s faces. At the end of the day, my family always comes first, and will always be my greatest achievement. They are why I do what I do.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

In the next 5 years, I see myself spending more time on my philanthropic endeavors. Both in financially assisting the charitable organizations I am passionate about, but also in helping to share my knowledge and experiences with those who can most benefit from it.

Readers interested in learning more about Mr. Humble, are invited to visit his official website and social media profiles below:

Official Website
Official Instagram
Official LinkedIn

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