Most Popular Jobs Keywords List in [2023]

Popular Service Keywords List
Most Popular Jobs Keywords List in [2023]

Looking for the top Google search jobs keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular jobs keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each jobs keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Here’s the big list of popular keywords that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of blog post ideas.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for jobs business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
2Software Developer200,000$3.00High
5Sales Representative120,000$2.40Medium
6Graphic Designer90,000$2.80High
8Marketing Manager70,000$3.20Medium
9Project Manager130,000$2.90High
10Financial Analyst110,000$3.10High
11Human Resources95,000$2.70Medium
12Web Developer140,000$3.20High
13Data Scientist75,000$3.50High
17Customer Service90,000$2.20Medium
18Financial Manager60,000$3.40Medium
19Mechanical Engineer70,000$2.60High
20Data Entry100,000$1.90Low
21Account Manager95,000$2.50Medium
25Social Media Manager80,000$3.30High
26Civil Engineer130,000$3.10High
27IT Support120,000$2.20Medium
28Financial Advisor90,000$3.20Medium
31Marketing Assistant85,000$2.30Medium
32Software Engineer150,000$3.50High
33Administrative Assistant95,000$2.10Medium
34Financial Planner80,000$3.20Medium
37Project Coordinator90,000$2.40Medium
38Business Analyst120,000$3.40High
40Dental Assistant100,000$2.80Medium
41IT Manager130,000$3.10High
42Event Planner85,000$2.50Medium
44Mechanical Engineer110,000$2.90High
45Sales Manager95,000$3.30Medium
46Nurse Practitioner120,000$3.80High
47HR Manager80,000$2.40Medium
48Content Writer100,000$2.70Medium
50Business Development Manager90,000$3.20Medium

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for jobs company

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Entry-level software developer2,000$2.50Low
2Remote graphic design jobs1,500$3.00Medium
3Part-time nursing jobs1,800$2.20Medium
4Elementary school teacher jobs1,200$2.10Low
5Pharmaceutical sales careers900$2.40Medium
6Freelance web designer700$2.80Low
7Emergency electrician services600$2.50Low
8Social media marketing jobs1,000$3.20Medium
9IT project management careers1,300$2.90Medium
10Financial analyst certification1,100$3.10Low
11HR internships950$2.70Low
12Freelance web developer1,400$3.20Medium
13Data scientist job openings750$3.50Medium
14Gourmet chef careers850$2.40Low
15Sustainable architecture jobs650$2.80Low
16Criminal defense attorney1,200$4.00Medium
17Remote customer service jobs900$2.20Medium
18Financial manager positions600$3.40Low
19HVAC mechanical engineer700$2.60Low
20Data entry work from home1,000$1.90Medium
21Account manager job description950$2.50Low
22Pediatrician job openings1,800$3.80Medium
23Freelance photographer rates1,100$2.80Low
24Hotel receptionist vacancies750$2.10Low
25Social media manager salary800$3.30Medium
26Civil engineering companies1,300$3.10Medium
27IT support technician jobs1,200$2.20Medium
28Financial advisor certifications900$3.20Low
29Freelance content writer rates1,000$2.40Medium
30Residential electrician jobs650$2.50Low
31Digital marketing assistant positions850$2.30Low
32Software engineer job requirements1,500$3.50Medium
33Administrative assistant duties950$2.10Low
34Financial planner salary800$3.20Medium
35Hospital pharmacist jobs1,100$3.70Medium
36Small animal veterinarian750$2.60Low
37Project coordinator responsibilities900$2.40Low
38Business analyst skills1,200$3.40Medium
39Front desk receptionist positions650$2.30Low
40Dental assistant training programs950$2.80Low
41IT manager job description1,300$3.10Medium
42Event planner certification850$2.50Low
43Personal chef services1,500$3.60Medium
44Mechanical engineering internships1,100$2.90Medium
45Sales manager job requirements950$3.30Medium
46Nurse practitioner programs1,200$3.80Medium
47HR manager job description800$2.40Medium
48Freelance content writer jobs1,000$2.70Medium
49Commercial electrician vacancies650$2.50Low
50Business development manager roles900$3.20Medium

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for jobs business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Best accounting firm1,000$5.00High
2Top software development companies1,500$6.00High
3Affordable nursing schools1,200$4.50Medium
4Accredited teaching programs900$4.00Medium
5Buy sales training courses800$5.50High
6Professional graphic design services700$6.50High
7Emergency electrician near me600$4.50Medium
8Marketing consulting services1,000$6.00High
9Hire project management consultant1,300$5.50High
10Financial analyst certification cost1,100$6.50High
11HR outsourcing solutions950$5.00Medium
12Professional web development services1,400$6.00High
13Data science training programs750$7.00High
14Gourmet chef for hire850$5.50Medium
15Sustainable architecture firms650$6.50High
16Best criminal defense attorney1,200$8.00High
17Customer service outsourcing900$4.50Medium
18Financial manager consulting fees600$6.50High
19Mechanical engineering services700$5.00Medium
20Data entry jobs from home1,000$3.50Low
21Account management services950$5.50Medium
22Pediatrician near me1,800$8.50High
23Professional photography services1,100$6.00High
24Receptionist job openings750$4.00Medium
25Social media management agency800$7.00High
26Civil engineering consulting1,300$6.50High
27IT support services1,200$4.50Medium
28Financial advisor near me900$6.00Medium
29Freelance writing services1,000$4.50Medium
30Commercial electrician services650$5.00Medium
31Marketing assistant job openings850$4.50Medium
32Software engineer job opportunities1,500$7.00High
33Administrative assistant jobs950$4.00Medium
34Financial planner fees800$5.50Medium
35Pharmacist positions1,100$8.00High
36Veterinary services750$5.50Medium
37Project coordinator job description900$4.50Medium
38Business analyst career opportunities1,200$7.00High
39Receptionist job requirements650$5.00Medium
40Dental assistant job openings950$5.50Medium
41IT manager job opportunities1,300$6.50High
42Event planner services850$6.00High
43Hire a private chef1,500$8.50High
44Mechanical engineering jobs1,100$6.00High
45Sales manager job openings950$4.50Medium
46Nurse practitioner career1,200$8.00High
47HR manager job opportunities800$5.00Medium
48Content writing services1,000$6.50High
49Commercial electrician near me650$5.50Medium
50Business development manager jobs900$6.00Medium

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for jobs business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Job interview tips20,000$1.50Low
2Resume writing15,000$1.20Medium
3Cover letter examples10,000$1.40Low
4Salary negotiation8,000$1.80Medium
5Job search websites12,000$1.10High
6LinkedIn profile tips6,000$1.60Low
7Networking for jobs5,000$1.30Medium
8Job search strategies4,000$1.25Medium
9Interview preparation7,000$1.40Low
10Career development9,000$1.50Medium
11Job application tips3,000$1.20Medium
12Job market trends2,500$1.10Low
13Job search apps2,000$1.40High
14Remote work opportunities4,500$1.80Medium
15Job fair tips2,500$1.60Low
16Professional networking3,500$1.30Medium
17Job search websites5,500$1.20High
18Interview techniques3,000$1.40Low
19Career transition6,500$1.50Medium
20Job application process3,500$1.20Medium
21Job market analysis2,000$1.10Low
22Remote job opportunities5,000$1.80Medium
23Job fair preparation2,000$1.60Low
24LinkedIn networking2,500$1.30Medium
25Job interview techniques4,000$1.40Low
26Job search tips8,000$1.50Medium
27Job interview questions10,000$1.20High
28Job application tips and tricks2,500$1.40Medium
29Work from home opportunities7,500$1.80Medium
30Career change success stories6,500$1.80Low
31Job search techniques3,500$1.60Low
32Job interview tips and tricks5,000$1.30Medium
33Resume writing tips6,500$1.40Low
34Job application strategies4,000$1.50Medium
35Remote work tips2,500$1.20Low
36Career change advice3,000$1.10Medium
37Job market forecast2,000$1.80Medium
38Job search platforms5,500$1.60High
39Interview preparation tips3,500$1.30Low
40Job growth opportunities4,500$1.40Medium
41Resume templates7,000$1.50Medium
42Job interview strategies6,000$1.20High
43Remote work tips and tricks2,500$1.40Medium
44Career transition advice4,000$1.80Low
45Job market analysis report2,500$1.60Medium
46Job search networking3,000$1.30Medium
47Job interview techniques and tips5,000$1.40Low
48Job search strategies and tips8,000$1.50Medium
49Job application dos and don’ts10,000$1.20High
50Remote work platforms2,500$1.40Medium
51Career fair preparation tips7,500$1.80Medium
52Job search hacks2,000$1.60Low
53Job interview dos and don’ts2,500$1.30Medium
54Resume writing techniques4,000$1.40Low
55Job application tips for beginners8,000$1.50Medium
56Job interview tips for success10,000$1.20High
57Remote work best practices2,500$1.40Medium
58Career change tips6,500$1.80Low
59Job market analysis and trends2,000$1.60Medium
60Job search strategies for success3,500$1.30Low
61Job interview tips for beginners5,000$1.40Medium
62Resume writing best practices6,500$1.50Low
63Job application tips and techniques4,000$1.20Medium
64Remote work productivity tips2,500$1.40Medium
65Career change resources3,000$1.10Medium
66Job market analysis and predictions2,000$1.80Low
67Job search platforms comparison5,500$1.60High
68Interview preparation techniques3,500$1.30Low
69Job growth trends4,500$1.40Medium
70Resume writing tips and tricks7,000$1.50Medium
71Job interview success strategies6,000$1.20High
72Remote work challenges2,500$1.40Medium
73Career transition resources4,000$1.80Low
74Job market analysis and insights2,500$1.60Medium
75Job search networking strategies3,000$1.30Medium
76Job interview tips and techniques5,000$1.40Low
77Job search best practices8,000$1.50Medium
78Job application mistakes to avoid10,000$1.20High
79Remote work tools and software2,500$1.40Medium
80Career fair networking tips7,500$1.80Medium
81Job search shortcuts2,000$1.60Low
82Job interview tips for success2,500$1.30Medium
83Resume writing hacks4,000$1.40Low
84Job application tips for professionals8,000$1.50Medium
85Job interview common questions10,000$1.20High

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