Holiday Season Tips To Win The Outdoor Signage Game

Outdoor Signage
Holiday Season Tips To Win The Outdoor Signage Game

The holiday season is a massive opportunity for retailers as buyers go the extra mile with gift shopping. Not surprisingly, most sellers leverage sales and deals to make the most of the opportunity. While doubling up on online promotions gives you a great start in the festive season, you cannot go slack with outdoor advertising.

It is perhaps even more crucial in post-pandemic times when shoppers are keen to go big with retail shopping. Outdoor signage makes your brand, products, and offerings visible to a large audience base.

Moreover, it puts them exactly where they should be because retail signage drives impulse buying. Showcasing a grand presence with your outdoor signage should be a priority this holiday season.

Think beyond only installing an eye-catching banner on a busy street because you need more to attract attention and push potential buyers to convert. Let us share some actionable holiday season tips to win the outdoor signage game.

Get a head start with planning

The basic rule for holiday marketing is to get a head start with planning. The sooner you begin with the campaign ideation, the better.

You will have more time to create a design and content for your displays, find the relevant locations to install them, and spread the word about your offers. Launching your pre-Christmas campaign a few weeks or even months before the season is a great idea.

For example, you can use your social media pages to promote your digital signage content. Showing a sneak peek of your offers also helps as it creates curiosity among consumers. They will likely notice your signage when they are already keen on the upcoming offers.

Create irresistible festive offers

The success of your outdoor campaigns during the festive season begins with irresistible offers. You must think outside the box because your rivals will probably have great deals to pull the crowds and get them down the conversion funnel.

The offer should generate curiosity and connect with the audience on an emotional level because the holidays are all about emotions and sentiments. Find an attractive way to showcase your offers because buyers want a bargain for their loved ones. The deal may not entail hefty savings, but it can still work if it hits the right chord.

Pick the right location

Visibility is the mainstay of the success of your outdoor campaigns. You may not ace even the best displays if they are at random locations where your target audience cannot see them. Choose the right location, even if you need to pay more for the advertising space.

Remember to leverage your retail space wisely because it costs nothing yet enables you to grab the attention of in-store shoppers and passers-by. Identify your buyer persona, and choose strategic locations accordingly. Also, use signs to direct buyers to your store. You can show arrows and display maps to help with navigation.

Invest in dependable technology

Technology is an equally vital aspect of holiday signage success. A sudden glitch in your outdoor display can ruin your campaign because buyers are in a hurry as they want to close their holiday shopping lists sooner than later.

You must invest in dependable technology for your installations to prevent such mishaps. Ensure secure and weatherproof display signs so that you do not need to worry about the wind, rain, and snow.

Digital signage may also have visibility issues when the sun shines bright, but Sun Vision Display reflective LCD’s cover you on this front. Whether it rains, snows, or shines, your outdoor signage should run perfectly throughout the festive season.

Ramp up your messaging

Once you are ready with the installation and offer ideation, it is time to ramp up your messaging. As a marketer, you will probably know the expectations of your target audience.

But you must ramp up your messaging with a festive appeal just right for the season. Personalization is the best way to make it powerful and persuasive. You can go a step ahead with interactive touchscreen signage that gets the audience involved with your brand at a more personal level.

Since buyers shop for their loved ones, your messaging should invoke emotions in them. Remember to show opening hours and contact details prominently as a part of the message.

Highlight your USP

Another step to winning the festive outdoor signage game is to highlight your USP because setting your brand apart is the key to selling in the holidays and throughout the year. Consumers are spoiled for choice, with countless brands showing their messages during the season.

They will likely stick with a seller that has something unique to offer. You can try different ways to illustrate the vibe of your brand through digital signage. For example, you can flaunt your awards and accreditations, display customer reviews, or even run video testimonials.

Keep your content fresh and trending

Even the best campaigns fail to make a mark in the festive season because consumers expect brands to go the extra mile. You should not expect to win their attention with the usual displays. Keeping your content fresh and trending enables you to make the most of the season.

Also, be ready to provide real-time updates such as trending offers, new products in your catalog, and changes in opening times. Your target audience may even make some last-minute buying decisions when they see an alluring offer on display.

Digital signage is an all-year-round marketing asset that boosts sales, builds a customer base, and raises brand awareness. But it becomes even more crucial during the festive season when sales peak and customers are in the mood to shop.

Missing out on the opportunity can lead to lost sales and even affect brand recognition in the long run. Experts recommend investing extra effort into ramping up your campaigns well in time to maximize your traffic and visibility for the festive period. The good thing is that you need not do much more than the basics.

These simple measures take you a long way with outdoor displays, and embracing them can help you ace retail marketing.

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