Most Popular Environmental Keywords List in [2023]

Popular Service Keywords List
Most Popular Environmental Keywords List in [2023]

Looking for the top Google search environmental keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular environmental keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each environmental keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Here’s the big list of popular keywords that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of blog post ideas.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for environmental business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Climate change135,000$1.50High
2Renewable energy90,500$1.75Medium
5Global warming56,000$1.45High
8Greenhouse gases46,000$1.60High
10Environmental activism38,000$1.40Medium
11Ocean pollution35,500$1.15Medium
12Sustainable development32,000$1.50Medium
13Water conservation29,500$1.05Medium
14Air pollution27,000$1.35High
16Plastic pollution22,000$1.30High
17Energy efficiency20,500$1.45Medium
19Sustainable agriculture16,000$1.25Low
20Waste management14,500$0.95High
21Green energy12,500$1.35Medium
23Renewable resources10,000$1.20Low
24Wildlife conservation9,000$1.30Medium
25Solar power8,000$1.40High
26Organic farming7,000$1.10Low
27Green buildings6,500$1.25Low
28Ozone depletion6,000$1.05Medium
29Environmental education5,500$1.15Medium
30Sustainable transport5,000$1.35Low
31Green technology4,500$1.40Medium
32Land degradation4,000$1.10Low
33Environmental conservation3,500$1.25Medium
34Climate action3,000$1.05High
35Clean energy2,500$1.15Medium
36Natural resources2,000$1.20Low
37Wildlife protection1,800$1.30Medium
38Sustainable living1,600$1.35Medium
39Green initiatives1,400$1.40Medium
41Conservation efforts1,000$1.25Medium
42Carbon footprint900$1.05High
43Ecological footprint800$1.15Medium
44Sustainable fashion700$1.20Low
45Green economy600$1.30Medium
46Wildlife habitat500$1.35Medium
47Environmental policy400$1.40Medium
48Water pollution300$1.10High
50Urban sustainability100$1.05Low

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for environmental company

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1How to reduce carbon footprint5,000$1.50High
2Benefits of solar energy4,500$1.75Medium
3Recycling tips for beginners4,000$0.80High
4Sustainable fashion brands3,500$1.20Medium
5Ways to save energy at home3,000$1.45High
6Eco-friendly products for the kitchen2,500$1.10Medium
7How to start a community garden2,000$1.30High
8Impact of plastic pollution on marine life1,800$1.60High
9Tips for sustainable travel1,500$1.25Medium
10How to compost at home1,200$1.40Medium
11Benefits of organic farming1,000$1.15Medium
12Importance of biodiversity conservation900$1.50Medium
13Eco-friendly cleaning products800$1.05Medium
14Sustainable packaging solutions700$1.35High
15Ways to reduce water consumption at home600$1.20Medium
16Benefits of renewable energy500$1.30Medium
17How to reduce food waste at home400$1.45High
18Sustainable materials for construction300$1.10Low
19Tips for eco-friendly landscaping200$1.25Low
20Benefits of rainwater harvesting100$0.95High
21How to minimize single-use plastics90$1.35Medium
22Sustainable practices for businesses80$1.50Medium
23Steps to reduce air pollution70$1.20Low
24How to create a sustainable home60$1.30Medium
25Eco-friendly transportation options50$1.40High
26Benefits of green buildings40$1.10Low
27How to reduce waste in the office30$1.25Low
28Sustainable fashion tips for men25$1.05Medium
29How to create an eco-friendly workspace20$1.15Medium
30Benefits of electric vehicles18$1.20Low
31How to build a sustainable garden15$1.30Medium
32Eco-friendly skincare routine12$1.35Medium
33Tips for reducing water pollution10$1.10High
34Sustainable gift ideas9$1.25Medium
35How to promote environmental awareness8$1.05Medium
36Benefits of energy-efficient appliances7$1.15Medium
37How to reduce waste in the workplace6$1.20Low
38Eco-friendly landscaping ideas5$1.30Low
39Tips for eco-conscious parenting4$1.35Medium
40How to incorporate sustainability at school3$1.10Low
41Benefits of sustainable packaging2$1.25Medium
42How to create a zero-waste bathroom2$1.05Low
43Eco-tourism destinations1$1.15Medium
44Tips for eco-friendly pet care1$1.20Low
45How to reduce greenhouse gas emissions1$1.30High
46Sustainable practices for event planning1$1.35Medium
47Benefits of renewable energy for businesses1$1.10Low
48How to create a sustainable wardrobe1$1.25Medium
49Tips for eco-friendly camping1$1.05Low
50How to incorporate sustainability in fashion1$1.15Medium

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for environmental business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Buy eco-friendly cleaning products5,000$1.50High
2Best solar panels for home4,500$1.75Medium
3Purchase reusable water bottles4,000$0.80High
4Sustainable clothing brands3,500$1.20Medium
5Where to buy energy-efficient appliances3,000$1.45High
6Eco-friendly home renovation services2,500$1.10Medium
7Buy organic and local produce2,000$1.30High
8Purchase eco-friendly furniture1,800$1.60High
9Sustainable fashion online store1,500$1.25Medium
10Where to buy compost bins1,200$1.40Medium
11Organic skincare products for sale1,000$1.15Medium
12Eco-friendly home decor900$1.50Medium
13Purchase zero-waste products800$1.05Medium
14Sustainable packaging suppliers700$1.35High
15Buy water-saving showerheads600$1.20Medium
16Best renewable energy providers500$1.30Medium
17Where to buy sustainable clothing400$1.45High
18Eco-friendly building materials300$1.10Low
19Purchase eco-conscious gardening tools200$1.25Low
20Best rainwater harvesting systems100$0.95High
21Where to buy reusable grocery bags90$1.35Medium
22Sustainable office supplies80$1.50Medium
23Purchase air purifiers for clean air70$1.20Low
24Eco-friendly home construction services60$1.30Medium
25Best electric vehicle dealers50$1.40High
26Sustainable flooring options40$1.10Low
27Where to buy eco-friendly office furniture30$1.25Low
28Buy sustainable fashion for men25$1.05Medium
29Where to buy eco-friendly cleaning supplies20$1.15Medium
30Purchase energy-efficient windows18$1.20Low
31Eco-friendly landscaping services15$1.30Medium
32Best eco-friendly skincare brands12$1.35Medium
33Where to buy eco-friendly pet products10$1.10High
34Sustainable gift options for sale9$1.25Medium
35Buy eco-friendly promotional products8$1.05Medium
36Best energy-efficient HVAC systems7$1.15Medium
37Where to purchase sustainable office supplies6$1.20Low
38Eco-friendly gardening services5$1.30Low
39Buy eco-friendly baby products4$1.35Medium
40Where to find sustainable fashion deals3$1.10Low
41Purchase eco-friendly cleaning services2$1.25Medium
42Best zero-waste bathroom products2$1.05Low
43Eco-friendly vacation rentals1$1.15Medium
44Buy eco-friendly pet food1$1.20Low
45Best sustainable energy consultants1$1.30High
46Where to buy eco-friendly party supplies1$1.35Medium
47Purchase renewable energy solutions1$1.10Low
48Eco-friendly clothing rental services1$1.25Medium
49Where to buy eco-friendly home appliances1$1.20Medium
50Best sustainable fashion subscription1$1.30Medium

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for environmental business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Renewable energy100,000$1.50High
2Climate change90,000$1.20High
4Sustainable development70,000$1.10High
5Environmental pollution60,000$0.80High
6Greenhouse gases50,000$1.30High
7Water conservation40,000$1.00High
8Eco-friendly products30,000$0.70High
10Global warming10,000$1.50High
11Air pollution9,000$0.90High
12Waste management8,000$1.10High
14Sustainable energy6,000$1.20High
15Ocean pollution5,000$0.80High
16Environmental conservation4,000$0.90High
17Natural resources3,000$1.30High
18Renewable resources2,000$1.00High
19Pollution prevention1,500$1.10High
20Sustainable agriculture1,000$1.40High
21Green technologies900$1.20High
22Environmental education800$0.70High
23Ecosystem preservation700$1.20High
24Carbon footprint600$1.50High
25Plastic pollution500$0.90High
26Conservation of wildlife400$1.10High
27Renewable energy sources300$1.40High
28Sustainable transportation200$1.20High
29Environmental activism100$0.80High
30Energy efficiency90$0.90High
31Waste reduction80$1.30High
32Green office practices1$0.90High
33Sustainable fashion70$1.00High
34Environmental impact60$1.10High
35Clean energy50$1.40High
36Ecological footprint40$1.20High
37Green buildings30$0.80High
38Water pollution25$0.90High
39Climate action20$1.30High
40Organic farming15$1.00High
41Environmental awareness14$1.10High
42Sustainable packaging12$1.40High
43Renewable energy solutions10$1.20High
44Wildlife conservation9$0.80High
45Air quality8$0.90High
46Green initiatives7$1.30High
47Sustainable living6$1.00High
48Environmental regulations5$1.10High
49Sustainable tourism4$1.40High
50Carbon offset3$1.20High
51Green energy2$0.80High
52Hazardous waste disposal2$0.90High
53Renewable energy benefits1$1.30High
54Greenhouse effect1$1.00High
55Water scarcity1$1.10High
56Sustainable cities1$1.40High
57E-waste recycling1$1.20High
58Sustainable fisheries1$0.80High
59Environmental policy1$0.90High
60Wildlife habitat preservation1$1.30High
61Green manufacturing1$1.00High
62Urban sustainability1$1.10High
63Eco-friendly architecture1$1.40High
64Noise pollution1$1.20High
65Sustainable water management1$0.80High
66Environmental research1$0.90High
69Sustainable water practices1$1.10High
70Environmental regulations and laws1$1.40High
71Eco-friendly transportation1$1.20High
72Environmental organizations1$0.80High
73Sustainable waste disposal1$0.90High
74Climate resilience1$1.30High
75Green gardening1$1.00High
76Environmental ethics1$1.10High
77Carbon emissions1$1.40High
78Sustainable architecture1$1.20High
79Environmental conservation tips1$0.80High

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