Most Popular Seo Keywords List in [2023]

Popular Service Keywords List
Most Popular Seo Keywords List in [2023]

Looking for the top Google search seo keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular seo keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each seo keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Here’s the big list of popular keywords that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of blog post ideas.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for seo business

#KeywordAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
2Search engine optimization246000$14.98High
3Keyword research14800$4.98High
5On-page optimization12100$4.87High
6Off-page optimization9900$4.87High
7Link building8100$5.32High
8Google search console6600$2.98High
9Google analytics6600$3.87High
11Meta tags5400$3.87High
12Title tags4400$3.67High
13Description tags4400$3.98High
14Anchor text3600$4.21High
15Content optimization2900$4.87High
18Canonical URL1900$4.21High
19Keyword density1600$3.21High
20XML sitemap1600$3.87High
21Crawl budget1600$4.21High
22Mobile optimization1300$4.87High
23Page speed1300$4.87High
24H1 tag1300$3.67High
25Alt tags1000$3.67High
26Bounce rate1000$4.32High
27Google algorithm updates880$5.32High
28Internal linking880$4.87High
29Keyword cannibalization880$3.87High
30301 redirects720$3.87High
31404 errors720$3.87High
32Duplicate content720$3.98High
33Keyword stuffing590$3.21High
34Keyword placement590$4.21High
35Site structure590$4.87High
36Nofollow links480$3.67High
37Dofollow links480$4.21High
38Site architecture480$4.87High
39Rich snippets480$4.87High
40Internal site search390$2.98High
41Google Panda390$5.32High
42Google Penguin390$5.67High
43Keyword research tools390$3.87High
44Long-tail keywords390$3.98High
45Keyword analysis320$4.87High
46Local SEO320$4.87High
47Schema markup260$4.87High
48Google My Business260$3.98High
49Page authority210$4.87High
50Domain authority210$4.98High

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for seo company

#KeywordAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1How to do keyword research for SEO1900$5.21High
2What are backlinks in SEO1600$5.32High
3How to improve on-page SEO1300$4.87High
4What is off-page SEO1000$4.87High
5How to build backlinks for SEO880$5.21High
6What is Google Search Console720$2.98High
7What is Google Analytics720$3.87High
8How to optimize meta tags for SEO590$3.87High
9How to optimize title tags for SEO590$3.67High
10How to optimize description tags for SEO480$3.98High
11What is anchor text in SEO390$4.21High
12How to optimize content for SEO390$4.87High
13How to create a sitemap for SEO320$3.87High
14What is robots.txt in SEO260$3.87High
15What is canonical URL in SEO260$4.21High
16What is keyword density in SEO210$3.21High
17How to create an XML sitemap for SEO170$3.87High
18How to optimize for crawl budget in SEO140$4.21High
19How to optimize for mobile in SEO110$4.87High
20How to optimize for page speed in SEO90$4.87High
21How to optimize H1 tags for SEO70$3.67High
22How to optimize alt tags for SEO70$3.67High
23How to reduce bounce rate in SEO50$4.32High
24How to use Google Analytics for SEO40$3.87High
25How to use Google Search Console for SEO40$2.98High
26How to optimize internal linking for SEO30$4.87High
27How to fix 404 errors in SEO30$3.87High
28What is keyword stuffing in SEO30$3.21High
29What is keyword placement in SEO30$4.21High
30How to improve site structure for SEO30$4.87High
31What are nofollow links in SEO20$3.67High
32What are dofollow links in SEO20$4.21High
33How to optimize site architecture for SEO20$4.87High
34What are rich snippets in SEO20$4.87High
35How to optimize internal site search for SEO10$2.98High
36What is Google Panda in SEO10$5.32High
37What is Google Penguin in SEO10$5.67High
38How to use keyword research tools for SEO10$3.87High
39How to find long-tail keywords for SEO10$3.98High
40How to analyze keywords for SEO10$4.87High
41How to optimize for local SEO10$4.87High
42How to use schema markup for SEO10$4.87High
43What is Google My Business in SEO10$3.98High
44How to improve page authority in SEO10$4.87High
45How to improve domain authority in SEO10$4.98High
46What is link juice in SEO10$4.87High
47What is link equity in SEO10$4.87High
48How to use anchor text for SEO10$4.21High
49How to optimize for featured snippets in SEO10$4.87High
50How to optimize for voice search in SEO10$4.87High

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for seo business

#KeywordAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1SEO services6600$34.87High
2SEO agency3600$36.43High
3SEO consultant2400$38.21High
4SEO marketing1300$35.98High
5SEO optimization1300$32.98High
6SEO company1000$34.87High
7Local SEO services880$39.87High
8SEO tools720$23.87High
9Small business SEO services590$35.87High
10Affordable SEO services590$32.98High
11Professional SEO services480$38.21High
12SEO content writing480$26.43High
13E-commerce SEO services390$38.21High
14International SEO services390$37.98High
15SEO audit320$28.21High
16SEO strategy320$32.98High
17White hat SEO services260$34.87High
18Black hat SEO services210$34.87High
19SEO keyword research210$20.98High
20SEO link building services170$35.87High
21SEO copywriting services170$27.43High
22SEO for startups170$34.87High
23SEO website design140$34.87High
24SEO for small businesses140$34.87High
25SEO for e-commerce websites110$35.87High
26SEO for real estate agents90$34.87High
27SEO for lawyers70$34.87High
28SEO for dentists70$32.98High
29SEO for financial advisors50$34.87High
30SEO for medical practices50$35.98High
31SEO for restaurants50$32.98High
32SEO for automotive dealerships40$34.87High
33SEO for small law firms40$34.52High
34SEO for hotels40$36.43High
35SEO for insurance agents30$34.87High
36SEO for financial services30$38.21High
37SEO for travel agencies30$32.98High
38SEO for medical clinics30$36.43High
39SEO for chiropractors20$35.87High
40SEO for plastic surgeons20$34.87High
41SEO for insurance companies20$38.21High
42SEO for real estate companies20$34.87High
43SEO for financial consultants20$37.98High
44SEO for accounting firms10$34.87High
45SEO for financial planners10$38.21High
46SEO for credit repair companies10$36.43High
47SEO for mortgage brokers10$35.87High
48SEO for wedding photographers10$32.98High
49SEO for real estate agents and brokers10$34.87High
50SEO for car dealerships10$34.87High

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for seo business

#KeywordAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1What is SEO33100$8.76High
2How does SEO work2900$7.32High
3What are SEO keywords2400$6.54High
4What is local SEO1900$9.32High
5What is technical SEO1300$8.76High
6What is on-page SEO1000$7.32High
7What is off-page SEO880$7.54High
8What is organic SEO720$7.87High
9What is white hat SEO590$7.98High
10What is black hat SEO590$7.54High
11What is local SEO optimization480$9.32High
12What is SEO copywriting480$5.21High
13What is mobile SEO390$7.98High
14What is SEO content390$6.54High
15What is backlink SEO320$6.87High
16What is SEO ranking320$7.54High
17What is SEO optimization260$7.32High
18What is SEO analysis260$6.87High
19What is SEO marketing210$7.87High
20What is SEO traffic210$7.32High
21What is SEO strategy210$7.54High
22What is SEO management170$8.76High
23What is SEO best practices170$7.32High
24What is SEO software140$9.32High
25What is SEO analysis tool140$7.87High
26What is SEO audit140$6.54High
27What is SEO writing110$5.21High
28What is local SEO marketing110$8.76High
29What is SEO article writing90$5.21High
30What is SEO for WordPress90$6.54High
31What is SEO optimization for Google70$7.54High
32What is SEO link building70$7.32High
33What is local SEO optimization for Google Maps70$9.32High
34What is SEO analysis for Google70$6.87High
35What is SEO ranking for Google70$7.87High
36What is SEO optimization for Bing50$7.32High
37What is SEO link building for Bing50$6.87High
38What is SEO analysis for Bing40$6.54High
39What is SEO ranking for Bing40$7.87High
40What is SEO for social media30$7.54High
41What is SEO optimization for YouTube30$8.76High
42What is SEO link building for YouTube20$7.32High
43What is SEO analysis for YouTube20$6.54High
44What is SEO ranking for YouTube20$7.87High
45What is SEO for beginners720$4.21High
46What is local SEO for small businesses390$9.32High
47What is SEO for e-commerce260$7.87High
48What is SEO for blogs170$5.21High
49What is SEO for Shopify140$7.32High
50What is SEO for YouTube videos110$6.87High
51What is SEO for Squarespace90$7.54High
52What is SEO for photographers70$7.87High
53What is SEO for WooCommerce70$7.32High
54What is SEO for new websites70$7.54High
55What is SEO for WordPress blogs70$6.54High
56What is local SEO for real estate50$9.32High
57What is SEO for affiliate marketing50$6.87High
58What is SEO for online stores50$7.32High
59What is SEO for fashion blogs50$5.21High
60What is SEO for nonprofit organizations50$7.87High
61What is local SEO for law firms40$9.32High
62What is SEO for dental practices40$7.54High
63What is SEO for fitness websites40$6.87High
64What is SEO for online courses40$7.32High
65What is local SEO for restaurants30$9.32High
66What is SEO for small businesses30$6.54High
67What is SEO for Shopify stores20$7.87High
68What is SEO for podcasts20$6.87High
69What is SEO for virtual events20$7.32High
70What is SEO for non-English websites10$5.21High

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