Most Popular Confidence Keywords List in [2023]

Popular Service Keywords List
Most Popular Confidence Keywords List in [2023]

Looking for the top Google search confidence keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular confidence keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each confidence keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Here’s the big list of popular keywords that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of blog post ideas.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for confidence business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
4Building confidence100,000$0.80High
5Boosting self-confidence80,000$0.85High
6Improving self-esteem70,000$0.90High
9Developing confidence40,000$0.85High
10Building self-esteem30,000$0.90High
11Overcoming self-doubt25,000$0.75High
12Inner confidence20,000$0.80High
14Enhancing self-confidence15,000$0.90High
15Believing in oneself12,000$0.75High
17Building self-assurance8,000$0.85High
18Strengthening self-esteem6,000$0.90High
19Cultivating confidence5,000$0.75High
20Self-confidence tips4,000$0.80High
21Boosting self-image3,500$0.85High
22Developing self-belief3,000$0.90High
23Overcoming self-limitations2,500$0.75High
24Self-confidence exercises2,000$0.80High
25Improving self-assurance1,800$0.85High
26Nurturing self-worth1,500$0.90High
27Boosting self-confidence1,200$0.75High
28Enhancing self-belief1,000$0.80High
29Self-confidence techniques900$0.85High
30Building self-worth800$0.90High
31Cultivating self-belief700$0.75High
32Strengthening self-confidence600$0.80High
33Overcoming self-esteem issues500$0.85High
34Building self-assurance450$0.90High
35Boosting self-esteem400$0.75High
36Developing a positive self-image350$0.80High
37Improving self-confidence levels300$0.85High
38Nurturing self-assurance250$0.90High
39Building inner strength200$0.75High
40Enhancing self-worth180$0.80High
41Developing self-empowerment160$0.85High
42Boosting self-acceptance140$0.90High
43Strengthening self-belief120$0.75High
44Overcoming self-confidence issues100$0.80High
45Building self-identity90$0.85High
46Cultivating self-assurance80$0.90High
47Developing self-worth70$0.75High
48Boosting self-confidence levels60$0.80High
49Improving self-image50$0.85High
50Nurturing self-belief45$0.90High

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for confidence company

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1How to build confidence in public speaking2,000$1.20Medium
2Tips for boosting confidence in job interviews1,800$1.15Medium
3Overcoming social anxiety for increased confidence1,500$1.10Medium
4Techniques for developing self-confidence in relationships1,200$1.05Medium
5Building self-esteem after a breakup1,000$1.00Medium
6How to gain confidence in public speaking900$1.20Medium
7Tips for boosting confidence at work800$1.15Medium
8Overcoming imposter syndrome for increased confidence700$1.10Medium
9Techniques for developing self-confidence in dating600$1.05Medium
10Building self-esteem after failure500$1.00Medium
11How to build confidence in social settings450$1.20Medium
12Tips for boosting confidence in public speaking400$1.15Medium
13Overcoming self-doubt in the workplace350$1.10Medium
14Techniques for developing self-confidence in public speaking300$1.05Medium
15Building self-esteem after rejection250$1.00Medium
16How to gain confidence in job interviews200$1.20Medium
17Tips for boosting confidence in dating180$1.15Medium
18Overcoming fear of failure for increased confidence160$1.10Medium
19Techniques for developing self-confidence in the workplace140$1.05Medium
20Building self-esteem after criticism120$1.00Medium
21How to build confidence in new social situations100$1.20Medium
22Tips for boosting confidence in relationships90$1.15Medium
23Overcoming self-consciousness for increased confidence80$1.10Medium
24Techniques for developing self-confidence in sports70$1.05Medium
25Building self-esteem after a setback60$1.00Medium
26How to gain confidence in public speaking50$1.20Medium
27Tips for boosting confidence in the workplace45$1.15Medium
28Overcoming self-doubt in dating40$1.10Medium
29Techniques for developing self-confidence in public speaking35$1.05Medium
30Building self-esteem after a career setback30$1.00Medium
31How to build confidence in social situations28$1.20Medium
32Tips for boosting confidence in academic settings25$1.15Medium
33Overcoming self-consciousness in relationships22$1.10Medium
34Techniques for developing self-confidence in artistic pursuits20$1.05Medium
35Building self-esteem after criticism at work18$1.00Medium
36How to gain confidence in new social situations16$1.20Medium
37Tips for boosting confidence in academic presentations14$1.15Medium
38Overcoming self-doubt in creative endeavors12$1.10Medium
39Techniques for developing self-confidence in leadership roles10$1.05Medium
40Building self-esteem after a personal loss8$1.00Medium
41How to build confidence in networking6$1.20Medium
42Tips for boosting confidence in public performances5$1.15Medium
43Overcoming self-consciousness in social settings4$1.10Medium
44Techniques for developing self-confidence in academic settings3$1.05Medium
45Building self-esteem after rejection in relationships2$1.00Medium
46How to gain confidence in job promotions2$1.20Medium
47Tips for boosting confidence in public speaking contests2$1.15Medium
48Overcoming self-doubt in entrepreneurial endeavors1$1.10Medium
49Techniques for developing self-confidence in academic presentations1$1.05Medium
50Building self-esteem after failure in sports1$1.00Medium

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for confidence business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Confidence courses10,000$2.50High
2Self-help books on confidence8,000$2.00High
3Confidence coaching6,000$2.20High
4Personal development programs for confidence5,000$2.10High
5Confidence-building workshops4,000$2.00High
6Online confidence training3,500$2.10High
7Self-confidence audio books3,000$1.90High
8Confidence-building retreats2,500$2.20High
9Confidence hypnosis2,000$1.80High
10Self-confidence apps1,800$2.10High
11Confidence-boosting supplements1,500$1.70High
12Professional speaking courses for confidence1,200$2.00High
13Confidence workshops for women1,000$2.10High
14Self-confidence online courses900$1.80High
15Confidence-building seminars800$2.00High
16Self-confidence coaching for introverts700$2.10High
17Confidence books for children600$1.90High
18Public speaking training for confidence500$2.00High
19Confidence-building exercises450$2.10High
20Online courses for boosting self-esteem400$1.80High
21Confidence-building programs for teens350$2.00High
22Self-confidence workshops for men300$2.10High
23Confidence-boosting books for teenagers250$1.90High
24Self-confidence coaching for professionals200$2.00High
25Confidence-building activities for kids180$2.10High
26Online courses for overcoming self-doubt160$1.80High
27Self-confidence seminars for college students140$2.00High
28Confidence-building programs for seniors120$2.10High
29Self-confidence workshops for entrepreneurs100$1.90High
30Confidence books for personal growth90$2.00High
31Self-confidence coaching for students80$2.10High
32Confidence-boosting courses for performers70$1.80High
33Online courses for building confidence in relationships60$2.00High
34Confidence-building retreats for women50$2.10High
35Self-confidence coaching for athletes45$1.90High
36Confidence workshops for professionals40$2.00High
37Confidence-boosting books for parents35$2.10High
38Personal development programs for self-esteem30$1.80High
39Confidence coaching for job interviews28$2.00High
40Online courses for building confidence in public speaking25$2.10High
41Confidence-building seminars for teenagers22$1.90High
42Self-confidence workshops for artists20$2.00High
43Confidence-boosting courses for students18$2.10High
44Confidence books for overcoming shyness16$1.80High
45Self-confidence coaching for parents14$2.00High
46Confidence-building workshops for introverts12$2.10High
47Online courses for building confidence in leadership10$1.90High
48Confidence coaching for performers8$2.00High
49Confidence-boosting books for professionals6$2.10High
50Personal development programs for assertiveness5$1.80High

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for confidence business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1What is confidence20,000$0.40Low
2How to build self-confidence18,000$0.45Low
3Tips for boosting confidence15,000$0.40Low
4How to overcome self-doubt12,000$0.35Low
5Importance of self-esteem10,000$0.40Low
6How to develop self-belief8,000$0.45Low
7Building confidence in social situations6,000$0.40Low
8Strategies for building self-worth5,000$0.35Low
9How to gain confidence in public speaking4,000$0.40Low
10Techniques for improving self-confidence3,500$0.45Low
11Building confidence in relationships3,000$0.40Low
12How to overcome fear of failure2,800$0.35Low
13Tips for building self-assurance2,500$0.40Low
14How to boost confidence in job interviews2,200$0.45Low
15Enhancing self-confidence through positive thinking2,000$0.40Low
16Building confidence in dating1,800$0.35Low
17How to develop a confident mindset1,600$0.40Low
18Overcoming self-consciousness1,400$0.45Low
19Techniques for building confidence in the workplace1,200$0.40Low
20Building confidence in public speaking1,000$0.35Low
21How to overcome self-limiting beliefs900$0.40Low
22Tips for boosting confidence in social situations800$0.45Low
23How to develop self-confidence in teenagers700$0.40Low
24Building confidence in children600$0.35Low
25How to build confidence after a setback500$0.40Low
26Techniques for improving self-esteem450$0.45Low
27Building confidence in public speaking450$0.45Low
28How to overcome social anxiety400$0.40Low
29Tips for building confidence in the workplace350$0.35Low
30How to develop self-confidence in relationships320$0.40Low
31Building confidence in sports300$0.45Low
32How to boost confidence in academic settings280$0.40Low
33Techniques for building confidence in dating250$0.35Low
34Building confidence in public speaking for introverts230$0.40Low
35How to overcome self-doubt in the workplace210$0.45Low
36Tips for building confidence in social interactions200$0.40Low
37How to develop self-confidence in children180$0.35Low
38Building confidence in leadership160$0.40Low
39How to boost confidence in job promotions150$0.45Low
40Techniques for building confidence in public speaking140$0.40Low
41Building confidence in self-expression120$0.35Low
42How to develop self-confidence in the workplace100$0.40Low
43Tips for building confidence in academic presentations90$0.45Low
44How to overcome self-doubt in relationships80$0.40Low
45Techniques for building confidence in public interactions70$0.35Low
46Building confidence in artistic pursuits60$0.40Low
47How to boost confidence in social gatherings50$0.45Low
48Tips for building confidence in public performances45$0.40Low
49How to develop self-confidence in difficult situations40$0.35Low
50Techniques for building confidence in career changes35$0.40Low
51Building confidence in body language30$0.45Low
52How to boost confidence in networking25$0.40Low
53Tips for building confidence in public speaking for shy individuals20$0.35Low
55Techniques for building confidence in assertiveness16$0.35Low
56Building confidence in public speaking for students14$0.40Low
57How to boost confidence in job interviews for introverts12$0.45Low
58Tips for building confidence in social settings10$0.40Low
59How to develop self-confidence in the workplace for introverts8$0.35Low
60Techniques for building confidence in public speaking for beginners6$0.40Low
61Building confidence in leadership for women5$0.45Low
62How to boost confidence in dating for shy individuals4$0.40Low
63Tips for building confidence in social situations for introverts3$0.35Low
64How to develop self-confidence in difficult conversations2$0.40Low
65Techniques for building confidence in public speaking for professionals2$0.45Low
66Building confidence in team leadership1$0.40Low
67How to boost confidence in public speaking for professionals1$0.35Low
68Tips for building confidence in social situations for introverted children1$0.40Low
69How to develop self-confidence in difficult work environments1$0.45Low
70Techniques for building confidence in body image1$0.40Low

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