7 Ways to Improve Your Etsy Listing’s Visibility

Improve Your Etsy Listing's Visibility
7 Ways to Improve Your Etsy Listing's Visibility

Aspiring entrepreneurs and creatives can greatly benefit from having a store on Etsy. Etsy is one of the world’s most popular e-commerce marketplaces with 95.1 million active buyers worldwide, so being on the website is a boon, especially to sellers who have yet to make a name for themselves in the online world.

However, Etsy’s popularity comes as a double-edged sword, as it has an established pool of 7.5 million sellers.

For you to succeed and make a profit on the website, your target audience needs to find your shop and your products.

So in this blog, we’ll be sharing with you the top 7 ways you can boost your listing’s visibility on Etsy:

1. Optimize for SEO

Get your listings to rank high on search results by inserting primary keywords in your product description and title.

You can learn which keywords Etsy buyers typically search for by searching your category on Etsy. You can then beef up your keyword list by looking up your keywords on Google Keyword Planner

Another way to find great keywords is by scanning those used by your competitors. You can easily see this by reviewing their listings.

2. Write an Eye-Catching Listing Title

Your listing title is among the first things prospective buyers will see when they get your listing on their search results. So you need to grab their attention from the get-go with your words.

An easy way to appeal directly to buyers is to use relevant keywords. For example, if you’re positioning your product as a great Valentine’s Day gift, include that phrase in your title.

Don’t forget to include your niche – are you a stationery company, or a vintage store? Do you offer personalized downloadables? 

Don’t stuff your title with keywords and maintain the standard character count limit of 140 characters. 

Not confident about your title writing skills? Get some help brainstorming for the perfect title with a text generator like CF Spark’s Etsy Listing Title Generator. This AI tool can come up with 5 different title ideas based on your keywords.

3. Post an Accurate Product Description

You only get one chance to pitch your product extensively, so make your product description count. Start by appealing to your buyer’s emotion or pain point. Then provide all the details your customer needs to make an informed purchase.

In bullet points, include vital information, like dimensions, sizes available, measurements, and raw materials. 

If you’re producing your goods with a third-party production company, you have to declare them on your product description. 

To make your description SEO-friendly, include your primary keyword in the first few characters of your text.

Take advantage of long-tail keywords or phrases your buyers type into the search engine. Make your keyword insertion as natural as possible.

Complete your product description by entering highly specific tags related to your product. You should also categorize your listing properly so they can easily be indexed. Finally, fill in all the attributes relevant to your products. All these will add SEO value to your product description.

To draft a good product description for your listings, generate your text with CF Spark’s Etsy Product Description Generator. This text generator tool can create a full product description for you using keywords and other relevant information.

4. Include High-Quality Images and Videos with Variations

Buyers like to be sure about what they’re getting, especially when shopping online, where it’s easy to get scammed. So to give them peace of mind while shopping, include multiple high-quality images and videos of your product. 

If it’s a physical product, take photos from various angles and in different use cases. Never include haphazardly taken photos. If you don’t have any budget for professional photography, take your product photos in bright natural lighting.

Videos are not a requirement for listings, but they can definitely help boost your conversion if you can use them to highlight more of your product features.

Having great product photos and videos could increase your chances of landing a spot on Google image and video search results.

You can use AI photo enhancers like Remini which boosts your picture quality in seconds if the quality of your photos leaves much to be desired.

5. Get Glowing and Authentic Customer Reviews

Positive customer reviews offer great marketing value to any business. Aside from providing free word-of-mouth promotion, great reviews assure prospective buyers that what they’re buying is legit.

Apart from that, Etsy takes customer reviews into account when calculating your customer market score. This score is then used as one of the basis for your search ranking.

So, the higher your customer ratings and reviews are, the better your chances of ranking high on Etsy Search.

However, most buyers don’t write reviews even when they had a good experience with a product or store. You can remind or encourage them to write one by giving an incentive.

A good example would be including a promo code in their package that they can use on their next purchase.

6. Refresh Your Listings Regularly

Recency is one of the factors that Etsy takes into consideration when ranking search results. So if you regularly upload new items or renew listings, you’ll get a temporary boost in search results.

Etsy gives this priority boost to new listings as it’s a way for them to study how buyers interact with particular products, helping the site determine their quality score.

7. Leverage Social Media in Promoting Your Listing

More than half the world’s population is on social media, so it makes sense to promote your listings there. Links from your social media can also add juice to your store’s SEO. 

Having an active social media presence helps you engage with more followers, allowing you to widen your cast for more potential buyers. 

Some ideas on how to promote your listings on social media: link to your latest listings on your Instagram Story or Facebook Story.

Demonstrate your expertise on TikTok. Collaborate with an influencer to model your goods or create relatable content featuring your products. 

You can use social media to host a giveaway. To leverage this promotional tactic, require the giveaway joiners to tag their friends or post your promo on their feeds. Such mechanics give you additional exposure for your social media and your business as well.

Maximize the potential of having an Etsy shop by optimizing your listings in different ways. Experiment with all these methods and be sure to review their outcome to get insight into which ones are effective for your particular niche and your target audience.

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