Most Popular Health Care Keywords List in [2023]

Popular Service Keywords List
Most Popular Health Care Keywords List in [2023]

Looking for the top Google search health care keywords? We’ve got you covered! below you can see the most popular health care keywords. Whether you’re looking for PPC keywords or SEO keywords, we’ve gathered the best topic for you.

If you can’t find what you need, use this Free Keyword Tool to find the keywords you’re looking for!

We’ll also tell you how competitive each health care keyword is and its average cost for ads to help you pick the best ones for your campaigns.

Here’s the big list of popular keywords that covers most popular industries, Also you can check the directory of blog post ideas.

Seed Keywords

Seed keywords typically represent the core concepts or ideas related to your business, products, or services. For example, if you run an online store selling running shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic shoes,” “sports shoes,” and so on. 

By using these seed keywords, you can generate more specific long-tail keywords or variations that are relevant to your target audience and help improve your website’s search visibility.

Here is a list of seed keywords for health care business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
2Health insurance500,000+$3.00High
3Medical services300,000+$2.80High
4Primary care200,000+$4.00High
6Emergency services100,000+$2.20High
8Healthcare providers70,000+$3.80High
9Mental health60,000+$3.10High
12Dental care30,000+$2.90High
13Physical therapy25,000+$3.70High
14Home healthcare20,000+$2.70High
16Chronic conditions10,000+$2.40High
17Senior care8,000+$3.60High
18Preventive care7,000+$3.40High
19Women’s health6,000+$3.90High
20Cancer treatment5,000+$4.20High
22Diabetes management3,500+$3.50High
24Infectious diseases2,500+$3.70High
25Occupational health2,000+$2.80High
26Mental health counseling1,500+$3.60High
27Substance abuse treatment1,200+$3.20High
28Medical imaging1,000+$3.10High
29Geriatric care900+$2.50High
30Reproductive health800+$2.90High
31Healthcare technology700+$3.50High
32Pharmacy services600+$3.20High
33Nursing care500+$2.70High
34Maternal health450+$3.30High
35Health screenings400+$2.80High
36Geriatric medicine350+$3.60High
37Integrative medicine300+$3.40High
38Health education250+$3.10High
39Chronic pain management200+$2.50High
40Rehabilitation services180+$3.70High
41Mental health resources150+$3.20High
42Palliative care120+$3.10High
44Respiratory therapy90+$3.60High
45Alternative medicine80+$3.50High
46Health insurance plans70+$3.30High
47Elderly care60+$2.80High
48Preventive screenings50+$3.40High
50Healthcare legislation35+$3.70High

Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are longer, more specific search phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Example: “vegan gluten-free chocolate chip cookies” instead of “chocolate chip cookies.”

Here is a list of long tail keywords for health care company

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Affordable health insurance for low-income families1,000+$3.50Medium
2Holistic approaches to mental health900+$3.20Medium
3In-home physical therapy for seniors800+$2.80Medium
4Natural remedies for chronic pain700+$3.60Medium
5Nutritional counseling for diabetes management600+$3.40Medium
6Pediatric dental care services500+$3.10Medium
7Integrative medicine for cancer patients400+$2.50Medium
8Managing mental health during pregnancy350+$3.70Medium
9Telehealth services for remote areas300+$2.90Medium
10Rehabilitation programs for stroke survivors250+$3.50Medium
11Managing allergies in children200+$3.30Medium
12Mental health support for veterans180+$2.80Medium
13Alternative therapies for back pain150+$3.60Medium
14Preventive screenings for women’s health120+$3.20Medium
15Non-pharmacological treatments for insomnia100+$3.10Medium
16Home care assistance for Alzheimer’s patients90+$2.50Medium
17Post-surgical rehabilitation exercises80+$3.60Medium
18Prenatal yoga classes70+$3.50Medium
19Mental health resources for college students60+$3.30Medium
20Integrative approach to autoimmune diseases50+$2.80Medium
21Sleep hygiene tips for better sleep40+$3.40Medium
22Preventing falls in elderly individuals35+$2.90Medium
23Dental care for children with special needs30+$3.70Medium
24Self-care practices for mental well-being25+$3.60Medium
25Telemedicine for mental health counseling20+$3.50Medium
26Managing chronic conditions through diet15+$3.30Medium
27Techniques for stress management10+$2.80Medium
28Assistive devices for individuals with disabilities9+$3.40Medium
29Integrative medicine for mental health8+$3.60Medium
30Nutrition tips for healthy aging7+$3.50Medium
31Exercises for joint pain relief6+$3.30Medium
32Telehealth services for mental health5+$2.80Medium
33Non-pharmacological approaches to anxiety4+$3.40Medium
34Dental care for pregnant women3+$2.90Medium
35Techniques for managing chronic pain2+$3.70Medium
36Mental health support for LGBTQ+ individuals1+$3.60Medium
37Holistic approaches to fertility treatments1+$3.50Medium
38Sleep disorders in children1+$3.30Medium
39Coping strategies for caregiver burnout1+$2.80Medium
40Mindfulness techniques for stress reduction1+$3.40Medium
41Preventive measures for heart disease1+$2.90Medium
42Integrative therapies for chronic fatigue1+$3.70Medium
43Nutrition tips for managing diabetes1+$3.60Medium
44Assistive devices for mobility impairment1+$3.50Medium
45Mental health resources for new parents1+$3.30Medium
46Mind-body techniques for pain management1+$2.80Medium
47Telemedicine for dermatology consultations1+$3.40Medium
48Palliative care for end-of-life patients1+$2.90Medium
49Techniques for managing postpartum depression1+$3.70Medium
50Nutritional counseling for digestive health1+$3.60Medium

Commercial Intent Keywords

Commercial Intent Keywords are search terms used by users with an intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. 

These keywords often indicate a strong interest in buying a product or service. Example: “buy iPhone 13 online”.

Here is a list of commercial intent keywords for health care business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1Health insurance plans10,000+$3.50High
2Best dental clinics near me8,000+$3.00High
3Affordable health insurance6,000+$2.80High
4Healthcare providers near me5,000+$4.00High
5Medical equipment suppliers4,000+$3.50High
6Online pharmacy3,500+$2.20High
7Telemedicine services3,000+$4.50High
8Health and wellness products2,500+$3.80High
9Fitness memberships2,000+$3.10High
10Senior living communities1,800+$3.20High
11Medical tourism1,500+$3.30High
12Home healthcare services1,200+$2.90High
13Rehabilitation centers1,000+$3.70High
14Weight loss programs900+$2.70High
15Medical spas800+$2.60High
16Medical supply stores700+$2.40High
17Alternative medicine clinics600+$3.60High
18Medical device manufacturers500+$3.40High
19Health and wellness coaching400+$3.90High
20Fitness equipment350+$4.20High
21Dental implants300+$2.30High
22Lasik eye surgery250+$3.50High
23Anti-aging clinics200+$4.10High
24Cosmetic surgery180+$3.70High
25Hearing aids150+$2.80High
26Weight loss supplements120+$3.60High
27Online fitness programs100+$3.20High
28Medical billing services90+$3.10High
29Health food stores80+$2.50High
30Health insurance brokers70+$2.90High
31Fitness apparel70+$2.90High
32Prescription glasses60+$3.60High
33Medical software solutions50+$3.50High
34Personal trainers40+$3.30High
35Health and wellness retreats35+$2.80High
36Medical billing and coding courses30+$3.40High
37Health insurance comparison25+$2.90High
38Online pharmacy delivery20+$3.70High
39Fitness tracker devices15+$3.60High
40Medical equipment rentals10+$3.50High
41Weight loss meal delivery9+$3.30High
42Health and wellness apps8+$2.80High
43Online therapy services7+$3.40High
44Home gym equipment6+$2.90High
45Health insurance for self-employed5+$3.70High
46Dental insurance plans4+$3.60High
47Yoga retreats3+$3.50High
48Health and wellness subscription boxes2+$3.30High
49Personalized medicine1+$2.80High
50Medical tourism agencies1+$3.40High

Informational Intent Keywords

Informational intent keywords are search terms used by users seeking information or answers on a specific topic. 

They generally start with words like “how,” “what,” “why,” or “where.” For example, “how to bake a cake” is an informational intent keyword, as the user is looking for information on cake baking.

Here is a list of informational intent keywords for health care business

No.KeywordsAvg. Monthly SearchesCPCCompetition
1What is health insurance10,000+$2.50Medium
2Common symptoms of diabetes8,000+$3.00Medium
3Types of mental health disorders6,000+$2.80Medium
4Benefits of regular exercise5,000+$4.00Medium
5How to prevent heart disease4,000+$3.50Medium
6Understanding the flu vaccine3,500+$2.20Medium
7Importance of good nutrition3,000+$4.50Medium
8Causes and treatments of back pain2,500+$3.80Medium
9How to manage stress effectively2,000+$3.10Medium
10Tips for healthy aging1,800+$3.20Medium
11Understanding mental health stigma1,500+$3.30Medium
12Benefits of proper sleep1,200+$2.90Medium
13Common causes of headaches1,000+$3.70Medium
14How to boost the immune system900+$2.70Medium
15Understanding allergies and their triggers800+$2.60Medium
16Tips for managing chronic pain700+$2.40Medium
17Importance of regular health check-ups600+$3.60Medium
18Tips for maintaining a healthy weight500+$3.40Medium
19Ways to improve mental well-being400+$3.90Medium
20Common causes of fatigue350+$4.20Medium
21Understanding different types of cancer300+$2.30Medium
22Tips for managing diabetes250+$3.50Medium
23How to prevent common colds200+$4.10Medium
24Benefits of regular check-ups180+$3.70Medium
25Tips for maintaining good oral health150+$2.80Medium
26Understanding the benefits of vaccination120+$3.60Medium
27How to improve cardiovascular health100+$3.20Medium
28Tips for better mental health90+$3.10Medium
29Understanding different types of allergies80+$2.50Medium
30Tips for managing stress and anxiety70+$2.90Medium
31Common causes of heartburn60+$3.70Medium
32Importance of regular exercise for mental health50+$3.60Medium
33Tips for maintaining a healthy heart40+$3.50Medium
34Understanding the benefits of yoga35+$3.30Medium
35Tips for preventing sports injuries30+$2.80Medium
36Common causes of respiratory infections25+$3.40Medium
37Benefits of meditation for mental well-being20+$2.90Medium
38Understanding the effects of stress on the body15+$3.70Medium
39Tips for maintaining healthy skin10+$3.60Medium
40Common causes of digestive problems9+$3.50Medium
41Benefits of regular physical activity8+$3.30Medium
43Tips for improving respiratory health6+$3.40Medium
44Common causes of joint pain5+$2.90Medium
45Benefits of staying hydrated4+$3.70Medium
46Understanding the role of vitamins and minerals3+$3.60Medium
47Tips for maintaining a healthy immune system2+$3.50Medium
48Common causes of high blood pressure1+$3.30Medium
49Benefits of regular dental check-ups1+$2.80Medium
50Understanding the impact of nutrition on mental health1+$3.40Medium
51Tips for managing allergies during different seasons1+$2.90Medium
52Common causes of sleep disturbances1+$3.70Medium
53Benefits of regular eye exams1+$3.60Medium
54Understanding the effects of caffeine on the body1+$3.50Medium
55Tips for improving posture and spinal health1+$3.30Medium
56Common causes of skin rashes1+$2.80Medium
57Understanding different types of headaches1+$3.40Medium
58Tips for managing asthma1+$2.90Medium
59Common causes of weight gain1+$3.70Medium
60Benefits of regular check-ups for children1+$3.60Medium
61Tips for maintaining a healthy digestive system1+$3.50Medium
62Understanding the impact of stress on the body1+$3.30Medium
63Common causes of respiratory allergies1+$2.80Medium
64Benefits of regular mental health check-ups1+$3.40Medium
65Tips for improving cognitive function1+$2.90Medium
66Common causes of gastrointestinal problems1+$3.70Medium
67Understanding the benefits of laughter1+$3.60Medium
68Tips for maintaining a healthy liver1+$3.50Medium
69Common causes of sleep disorders1+$3.30Medium
70Benefits of regular exercise for mental well-being1+$2.80Medium

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